Friday, July 4, 2014

My 15 truths about cancer -- Cells Behaving Badly

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
(John 8:32)

So it is one of the worst days of your life. You have been diagnosed with the big “C” or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer. These are my 15 truths (with a lowercase “t”) about what I have learned in my journey with leukemia. I hope it gives you a new paradigm shift.

First let me clarify what I mean by TRUTH. What is the difference between the truth (with a lowercase “t”) and the Truth (with a capital “T”)? The truth with a lowercase “t” is according to man. It is relative. It is subjective. The Truth with a capital “T” is according to God. It is absolute. It is unchanging and true in all situations.

My 15 truths:
1. Cancer will dramatically change your life for the worst or for the better (and sometimes both) depending on your perspective. There is a transformative effect of suffering from an illness at a time when everyone else is pursuing happiness that seems so unfair. Only you have the control of your attitude. Do not let cancer steal whatever life you have left.

2. Each person's journey is different. Most people carry precancerous cells in their body. These cells often do not grow into cancer, because they are kept in control by a number of mechanisms that keep them playing nicely with other cells. If the precancerous cells are so damaged that they cannot cooperate, they usually repair themselves or atrophy and die.
     It just takes one bad boy. It can happen to anyone. The miracle is that it does not happen more often. The cell that decides to become anti-social develops a pattern of bad behavior. He divides whenever he pleases instead of waiting for signals from other cells. Other cells become crowded out.  The bad boys move to places they should not be, develop their own mutations, and stop listening to signals that they must die.
     Each cancer is different depending upon a patient’s individual genome (body chemistry). That is why there are different responses to the same cancer treatment for the same cancer diagnosis.

3. You will reassess your priorities. A cancer diagnosis will make you realize what is really important in this life. For me it is the relationships in my life (both spiritual and personal), creating my art, my writing, and my small contribution to making the world a better place. Think about all the stuff (material and financial) you have been collecting all these years. You can’t take it with you.

4. You will see your own mortality. A cancer diagnosis will make you stare at God at close range. Having a diagnosis of cancer makes the reality of death more clear. This is inevitable. The reality is that our physical bodies are all going to die at some point. This is not something to be feared. We will just walk into another room. I believe our spirit lives on forever.

5. Learn to live in the here and now. It is amazing how it takes being diagnosed with cancer to make us embrace the beauty of today. We can clutch the past so tightly that we leave no room for today. Or we can live in the future of what ifs -- not realizing that tomorrow does not exist yet.

6. Family and friends that connect with you do it out of love and caring. These people become your support and the joys of your life. You will find out who really cares. Do not constantly barrage them with your illness. Do not let the cancer define you. It will wear them out. Remember that they have a life that deserves to be discussed and lived.

7. Do not surround yourself with toxic or selfish people. Avoid family members and friends like the plague who make you feel worse than you did before you communicated with them. Also understand that family members and friends who disconnect with you do it out of fear of their own mortality or because you are no longer useful to them. Forgive them and move on.

8. It is important to be a proactive patient and educate yourself. Research. Find support groups. Ask questions. Take control of your life! You will come to realize that physicians often have to rely on educated guesses because they do not know all the answers. We are just at the cusp of understanding cytogenetics and DNA.

9. GET A SECOND OPINION or third or fourth. Surround yourself with experts, not just generalists. Explore your options. What is the standard therapy? Is there a clinical trial you could participate in? What other possibilities are available for you?

10. Do not let statistics freak you out! When you read about statistics please understand that it is a mathematical science based on the number crunching of data. It does not mean YOU.  In order to have the numerical results, there is often the presence of outliers that do not fit into the sample mean. You may be an outlier.

11. Your body will change during treatment. You may have cognitive impairment from the treatment. You may have fatigue, pain, or limitations in your daily life. Take care of your body. Adjust to a new normal with no guilt.

12. Prepare to have psychological and social stressors that you should not ignore. Even if you are a well-grounded person you will have your moments. Your psychological wellness affects the health of your body. Be kind to yourself. Understand that the dark cloud may quietly hover over your head, even when you are in remission, because of the fear of the return of those bad boys.

13. Financial stress may become an unfortunate part of your life, which may include fighting with insurance companies or experiencing reduced employment or no income. Take care of your energy level so that you have enough energy left over to live as well as you can with the diagnosis.

14. Laugh when the spirit moves you. Laughter improves our well-being. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously. Remind yourself of funny moments in your life. Hang around people who make you laugh. Go to the Improv or to see comedies. Try to find humor in bad situations. I understand that sometimes life just sucks. But it helps me to find demented humor in the soap opera of life. LOL.

15. Wake up every morning full of love and gratitude. Meditate, pray, and count your blessings. Surround yourself with people and activities that make your life a joyful one. Don’t overlook the simple things in life that give you happiness – like a beautiful sunrise or a grandchild’s laughter or a puppy sitting on your feet.

So there you have it – my 15 truths about cancer. This is how I personally have been able to not only survive on my journey, but also joyfully live.

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