Sunday, October 28, 2012


NOUN obstacle (def) = something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted;
For example: "Lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement"; "The poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education"; "The filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan"; “Hurricane Sandy is an obstacle to Dr. La Verne getting her ibrutinib.”

If this wasn’t so serious, I would be laughing ‘til I cried. I not only have to fight cancer, but now Hurricane Sandy is headed right to the DC/Baltimore area, where my plane is supposed to land next week and my cancer treatment drugs need to be picked up. My last day’s supply is Thursday. Stay tuned…


  1. La Verne,
    Keep laughing because crying won't help.

    1. Dear Mary:
      How about if I laugh and cry at the same time for therapeutic reasons?
      All flights through Wednesday have been cancelled. I am on the first flight at 6 am on Thursday. Hoping the electricity is working in the government building. My doctor is keeping me informed. I think I should write a book...

  2. Fingers and toes crossed that it all works out. In my experience they can't handle snow in that part of the country but usually get tidied up pretty quickly after hurricanes. Power may stay out to individuals but the roads get cleared, airports opened, and facilities like hospitals keep on keeping on.

    1. As I mentioned to Mary, all flights through Wednesday on my airline have been cancelled. I am on the first flight at 6 am on Thursday. Keep those fingers and toes crossed...
