I rested for a couple hours after my Day 8 treatment (Tuesday) and went to sleep at 8 p.m. Carl has a hard time sleeping without me, so I went to bed early. I had no nausea, no intestinal issues, no joint issues, and just a few hand cramps. The expanded lymph node under my jaw and chin is gone and I do not look like I have the mumps anymore. I feel really good about this. I go back next Tuesday for the next “Full Monte” Obinutuzumab treatment.
Well, the steroids are working. I woke up at 2 a.m. bright and bushy-tailed on Wednesday, graded all my students’ assignments, answered all my student emails, and revised a student resumé by 4:30 a.m. when my husband Carl woke up for coffee and his 2-hour gym workout (crazy man).
At 5:30 a.m. Carl left to go to the gym and I decided I better take a nap, since I have a dental appointment and I want to have enough energy to go on a short walk with my neighbor Linda at 4 p.m. I did not nap. By the time I looked up from my computer it was almost noon.
My friend Robbie brought some hearty food for us, which we are eating tonight (Thursday). Barry and Jodee sent us some soups, biscuits and cookies. The Mac and 3-cheese soup called my name. I am so thankful for all the sweet thoughts and texts. It is making my recovery so much better.
I had Pho for lunch/dinner yesterday and Carl has Tai food so I don’t have to cook again. Thank you Liz and Rocky. I love to cook, but not when I am fatigued. I think I may just get used to all this love. It is certainly helping my mental state.
My blood brother George, who started the same day as I did at NIH (National Institutes of Health) is no longer in the trial because of Afib issues with his heart. He had to have an IVIG infusion last Friday and his respiratory issues have improved. Now he is shoveling snow in Massachusetts.
I start Venetoclax on January 23, 2024. I remember getting mouth blisters the first time I took an oral cancer drug years ago. Dr. Robin’s nurse Becky suggested I rinse my mouth with baking soda and water to neutralize the area to prevent that from happening again.
I walked yesterday with my neighbor Linda for one mile. Three-fourths of the way into it, I got leg cramps in my calves, and I had to use her arm to finish the mile. Before my treatment, Linda and I were walking 3.5 miles three times a week. I am just happy I can do one mile more often. Note to self: Bring water on my walks. Drink more water during the day.
Last night I went to sleep at 9 p.m. I watched “The Holiday” movie. I finally had a good cry. I don’t cry easily so this was a good thing. I woke up at 5 a.m. and had coffee with Carl. This will be another good day.
I am rambling now.
Dr. La Verne